Friday, January 29, 2010

Winter Fox 3

A Walk on the Wild Side #3

"Those who dwell among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary of life."  ~ Rachel Carson

"Winter Fox 3"
(click on photo for larger view)
A noise captures the attention of this Red Fox

This fox often hangs around our front deck, as he was doing last month when I took this photo.


Kilauea Poetry said...

He looks sneaky- wonderful capture!
Hey..that's a very discriptive image of your computer problems..and I'm amazed at just how many folks have been having similar issues. I'm happy for you!!
Aloha, Regina-

bobbie said...

this one is a real beauty!

Lisa (Mountain Photog) said...

Thanks Regina! He can be sneaky--he (and the other foxes) like to steal shoes out of the garage. :) Strange about other folks experiencing computer problems as well. I can't imagine what virus could render a hard drive undetectable, but I guess it's possible. . .

He is a beauty, isn't he Bobbie! They all are at this time of year.

Dianne said...

did he take any shoes this time?
boots maybe? ;)

he's beautiful!

Lisa (Mountain Photog) said...

LOL Dianne! No, no shoes or boots. I guess he is too tired to pilfer--he spent most of the afternoon today sleeping on the front step. He really is beautiful, though. :)

Villas Girl said...

Hi Lisa! How have you been?
This fox is so beautiful. His tail looks about as big as his body. If we had wildlife like this around here, I wouldn't get anything done. Lisa

Lisa (Mountain Photog) said...

Hi Lisa! I know! His tail is huge--and gorgeous. It's hard not dropping everything to watch and/or shoot the wildlife that comes by the house. I try to wait until we have fresh snow or the light is just right, otherwise I wouldn't get anything done either. As far as how I've been. . .fair to middling. I'm really far behind on just about everything. How about you? :)

Linda said...

Such a gorgeous picture of a gorgeous fellow! I've often thought that a fox is one of the more beautiful animals in the world - just by color alone!

Lisa (Mountain Photog) said...

Thank you so much, Linda! They are truly beautiful animals--inside and out. Not only do they have a fantastic coat and color, they are elegant, graceful, patient and curious as well. I feel blessed to be able to share my little corner of the forest with them. :)

Kilauea Poetry said...

Hi there..I just noticed your response. I scratch my head over leaving comments on my posts (I have) I know some read them..I appreciate your visits and hope everything is up and running. I wanted to join a neat mothly theme for City Daily Photo but got rejected after it took up a fat portion of my morning! Guess I left my town instead of City..and I couldn't find a way to change it..I'm suppose to be "City Daily" heck, ha.. Anyway, my best, Regina-

Lisa (Mountain Photog) said...

LOL Regina! I always try to respond to comments because it feels more like a dialog to me, which I greatly prefer over a monologue. :)

I appreciate your visits, too!

No, everything is not "up and running" yet--I can't find a few things I need (like my web design program)--but I'm getting there. It's a damn slow process.

You got rejected for City Daily Photo? That's not good! I don't participate in themes at the moment but they always look like fun.

Hilary said...

Oh lucky you. What a gorgeous creature and a wonderful photo.

ruma said...

It is the colors that were transparent like crystal.
He wears the coat which seems to be very warm.

From the Far East.
Best regards.

Lisa (Mountain Photog) said...

Thanks Hilary! You can't go wrong with a shot of a fox in winter. I also have a few shots of foxes in the summer--not so gorgeous. LOL!

Ruma: Yes, I imagine their winter coats keep them quite toasty--even on the coldest days. :)

Kilauea Poetry said...

Thank've echoed my sentiments (dialog over Monolog)..
ya, I think they also wanted a photo a day! I was thinking gee..I could probably pull it off in my own back yard!! I should of looked at the rules..then I would of done the rejecting (lol).
Well hopefully things will all be straightend out soon for you..I wanted to put my foot through my main computer as its been giving me hassels! Anyway..we do have much technology at our fingertips..Well, I'll be checking back with you-
Regards, Regina-

Lisa (Mountain Photog) said...

A photo a day! Geez. You could try to put your foot through your machine--it would probably work as well as any computer tech's instructions. LOL!

ruma said...

Thank you for your comment, always enjoying my blog.

From the Far East.
Best regards.

Lisa Wilson said...

What an awesome photo! Thanks for visiting my blog. I love my part of Colorado, too! We almost moved to CO Springs when we left Tulsa, but our hearts have always belonged to th SW.

Lisa (Mountain Photog) said...

You're welcome Ruma! I always enjoy your visits here, too. :)

Thanks Lisa! I haven't been to your neck of the woods for some years now--I think it's time for a return trip. We always had a great time in Telluride and Ouray. I should post a photo I took on Ophir pass. . .

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