I'm afraid. Very afraid. Technology seems to be working against me. Hard drive failed, now Internet is only allowing me to access certain web pages, and even then, only select features on those pages. I fear the age of enlightenment is at an end and I will soon be thrust into a pre-industrial darkness. Okay, I'm exaggerating. Still. . . I can't help but feel conspired against at this point. At least I can still access Blogger. . . some of it. . . some of the time.
Hal? Hal?? Is that you?
Bummer! I hate when that kind of thing happens. It makes you realize how connected you are to the world through the internet when you suddenly can't
Oh dear, hope it's just the winter of discontent for your electronics and not something more serious. I'm afraid I'd be lost without my internet connection these days. And that's pretty sad when I stop and think about it.
Thanks, Cherie and Linda!
Yes, let's hope it's a seasonal thing. LOL!
I had really wanted to download some files to my laptop that I had backed up online--just in case (considering my luck with computers these days) the online service crashed and I lost all my files--but my ISP was not cooperating. Things seem to be better in that department, though so Hi-Ho, off I go.
This was funny and fits perfect!! I agree, so much technology (I watch my behavior on line)..get so irritated (lol)-seriously, Sometimes mine bogs down and I know it has a lot to do with my DANG PHOTOS!!!So, I suppose I need to keep backing up?? Anyway, have a great day-
Thanks Kilauea Poetry! I have to find some humor in the situation otherwise I would scream. And yes, back up! Do it! Now!! :)
Ack well that's not good. A virus, maybe?
Hi Hilary! Well, the Internet is back--for now. Everyone in the family was having the same issues so it was the ISP, it wasn't me. Yeah, right. The hard drive on the other hand. . . who knows. Dell was supposed to come out yesterday with a new one but they called to say they couldn't make it and haven't rescheduled yet.
I couldn't get on your site at first and when I finally did and saw the post I got scared
really sucks if your lost stuff - I sometimes don't back-up and then I get night terrors
hang in there
I know, I know, I can be melodramatic at times. It's hard to have perspective when something is happening to you but I could be facing something much worse--I could be living in Haiti, for instance. Such staggering and heartbreaking devastation. . .
LOL... I know those days! My internet connection at home is spotty at best. I have two new computers though so don't usually have trouble with those. *knock on wood*
I hope everything smartens up quickly for you. If not, send up a smoke signal and we'll come rescue you! LOL!
Thanks Penny! I may have to resort to smoke signals if things don't improve. LOL! I'm still trying to download files from my online backup but the ISP keeps going down. I'm rather desperate at this point. . . *starting a fire as we speak*
Quick! Get a wet blanket! :o)
I sure hope that you're able to work out your connectivity problems (and access your file backups!) soon!
Not much more frustrating than computer troubles, in my experience. Makes me want to throw things. lol
Hang in there!
Thanks for checking in, Penny! I do indeed want to throw things. More precisely, I'd like to throw my computer. LOL!
Connectivity seems to be fine today--I'm downloading like mad as we speak, though the service I use assures me they have backups on backups. Yeah, like I believe them.
I am grateful for my laptop. I'd be really stuck without it.
The period of you may have been rested.
Congratulations on restoration.
I am glad to get possible to watch your wonderful photograph.
Thank you Ruma. :) Hopefully I'll be posting more photos soon. I have to start from scratch on a lot of the process, though, so it may be a while yet. . .
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