Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Light and Shadow on The Sawtooth

Mountain Light #1

"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves" ~ John Muir

"Light and Shadow on the Sawtooth"
 (click on photo for a larger view)

Late afternoon shadows move across the
face of The Sawtooth. Guanella Pass, Colorado

Before the creeping crud hit our household this fall I was able to make a trip to nearby Guanella Pass to do some shooting. I may not have captured the spectacular foliage shots I was looking for but it was a perfect fall day and I can almost always find something worth aiming my camera toward. The light and shadow on the side of this mountain is a perfect example.


bobbie said...

A beautiful shot, and what a lovely quote from Muir.

Villas Girl said...

Hi Lisa! This is beautiful. I click on your picture and it took me to your Ecoprint page. I was watching your slide show. WOW! The red fox. The rainbow. The mountains. All of your photos. Absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing your photos. Lisa

bobbie said...

It's me again. Lisa (Villas Girl) just called me and told me to enlarge your picture, look on the left side, and see the slide show. I am so glad she did! She said the photos are exquisite! She is so right! (She also told me to say that she would have used that word in her comment, but she couldn't spell it.)
I didn't spend a whole lot of time on the slide show, but am going back to finish it as soon as I can. I haven't words enough!!!

Dianne said...

you really are a treasure Lisa!!
I'm so glad you're sharing more and more photos
I'm all caught up again, I especially loved the Elk - what a handsome young fellow

Remember when you posted that story about their rutting sounds and I didn't get what you where talking about?

I'm sitting here laughing over that one

Linda said...

The mountain in the background looks so three-dimensional! I'd have to say that you definitely got a keeper with this one even though there's not a single golden leaf in it!

Such beautiful country you have out there!

Lisa (Mountain Photog) said...

Bobbie and Lisa: Thank you so much! I'm so glad you both liked the slide show! I've been thinking I should put it on my blog sidebar but I just haven't had time. As I've told Dianne many times, "Life is just so daily." LOL!

Dianne: You're so sweet! I don't know about the treasure part, but I really am enjoying sharing photos. I have so many just sitting around in slide boxes (I was late to the digital party) or in files on my computer. It's high time I start to do something with them. Next on my "to do" list: get some of those slides scanned! :)

And yes, I do recall the story about the bugling elk. I should post a video here so folks will know what I'm talking about because I'm sure you're not the only one who finds it hard to imagine. LOL!

Linda: Thanks! It is beautiful here. If I had more time I could get great shots each and every day. As most photographers know, it's all about being in the right place at the right time, which I definitely was for this shot, with or without golden leaves. :)

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